How do I get the files icon on my Android phone?

How to create a shortcut to your Android Downloads folder ... - ZDNET

Add the Files app to your home screen To do this, open the Android App Drawer and locate the Files launcher. Tap, hold, and drag that launcher until it's on your home screen. If you want, you can then drag that launcher into a folder (or create a folder by dragging it onto another launcher).May 16, 2023
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How to safely download files from the internet?

How to Check If a File Is Safe to Download | Edge Learning Center

How to check if a file is safe to downloadDownload from a reputable website. Only download files or software from trusted sources and websites. ... Check the URL. Suspicious websites mirror legitimate ones to trick you into trusting them. ... Trust your browser. ... Use an antimalware service.Aug 15, 2023
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Where can I watch YouTube Premium content for free?

Is it possible to watch paid YouTube videos for free? If yes, how? - Quora

No, it is not possible to watch paid YouTube videos for free without proper authorization or accessing them through legitimate means. ... YouTube offers various monetization options for creators, including rental, purchase, or subscription-based models for premium content.More items...•May 15, 2023
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What does Ctrl +K do?

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl+L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. Ctrl+M Indent the paragraph. Ctrl+N Opens new, blank document window.
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Where do I find my download settings?

Change the Download Location in Google Chrome

Was this helpful?Click the Chrome menu on the top right hand corner of the browser next to the URL bar (3 dots)Click Settings.Click Downloads on the left sidebar of the Settings page.Do one of the following steps: Click the Change button to set a new default location. ... Close the Settings tab.
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Where do YouTube Downloads go on iPhone?

Watch videos offline with YouTube Premium - iPhone & iPad

To find and view videos that you've downloaded on your Apple device,Sign in to your Premium account from the YouTube App.Tap your profile picture.Select Downloads from the list of options.
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